Rurka Law PLC

Divorce Lawyer In Monroe, MI

If you are considering divorce, Rurka Law in Monroe, MI is here to help. Leah’s level-headed approach will ensure that your divorce case gets the attention it deserves.  Divorce can be an overwhelming and emotional process. Filing for divorce brings up many questions about what comes next for both parties involved in the relationship.  From finances to child custody issues, You need an experienced and trusted divorce attorney in Monroe County who will fight for your rights and allow you to move forward with your life. 

Achieving Results In Your Divorce Case

Divorce is tough enough without having questions or concerns about how it affects you financially or emotionally. So if you’re thinking about divorcing someone but aren’t sure what comes next, a divorce lawyer can guide you through the issues in a straightforward manner.  As an experienced attorney in the Monroe County Divorce and Family Court, we understand the process and will work to get you the best possible results from your divorce case.  Whether you are initiating a divorce, need to modify or enforce an existing court order, child support, or have child custody issues, Rurka Law has the experience and knowledge that you need to produce positive results and help you move on with your life.

Divorced Couple

• Filing For Divorce

• Contested Divorces

• Child Custody

• Parenting Time

• Asset and Property Division

• Spousal Support and Alimony

• Divorce Appeals

How To File For Divorce In Michigan

Michigan is a “no-fault divorce” state. You don’t have to prove that your spouse did something wrong to get divorced. The only reason needed for filing for divorce in Michigan is that there has been a breakdown of the marriage and there’s no likelihood that you and your spouse will get back together.  However, bad behavior like adultery or physical or emotional abuse can affect how the judge decides on alimony or property division.

There is a waiting period for Michigan divorce cases.  The waiting period for divorce begins when you file your paperwork with the court.  If minor children are involved, there is a six month waiting period before a judgement of divorce is issued.  If there are no minor children involved, only two months must elapse prior to filing a petition of dissolution in civil court.

While you can certainly go through proceedings without a divorce lawyer, we don’t recommend it.  An experienced divorce attorney will make sure that all of the details are taken care and work to achieve the best possible result in your divorce case.

“Divorce can be an emotional Process. We're here to fight for your rights and allow you move forward with your life" ~Leah Rurka

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